ASA Monographs: CD Contents
ASA Monographs 1-10 on CD - Full table of contents
- Banton, M. 1965. The relevance of models for social anthropology . London: Tavistock Publications.
- Banton, M. 1965. Political systems and the distribution of power. London: Tavistock.
- Banton, M. 1966. Anthropological approaches to the study of religion. London: Tavistock Publications.
- Banton, M. 1966. The social anthropology of complex societies. London: Tavistock Publications.
- Leach, E. 1967. The Structural study of myth and totemism. London; New York: Tavistock Publications: Barnes & Noble.
- Firth, R.W. 1967. Themes in economic anthropology. London: Tavistock.
- Lewis, I.M. 1968. History and social anthropology. London: Tavistock.
- Mayer, P. 1970. Socialization: the approach from social anthropology. London: Tavistock.
- Evans-Pritchard, E.E. and M. Douglas. 1970. Witchcraft confessions & accusations. London: Tavistock.
- Ardener, E. 1971. Social anthropology and language. London: Tavistock.
Michael Banton, editor
1. The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology
WARD H. GOODENOUGH: Rethinking 'Status' and 'Role': Toward a General Model of the Cultural Organization of Social Relationships; p1
DAVID M. SCHNEIDER: Some Muddles in the Models: or, How the System really Works; p25
I. M. LEWIS: Problems in the Comparative Study of Unilineal Descent; p87
BARBARA E. WARD: Varieties of the Conscious Model: The Fisherman of South China; p113
MARSHALL D. SAHLINS: On the Sociology of Primitive Exchange; p139
Michael Banton, editor
2. Political Systems and the Distribution of Power
F. G. BAILEY: Decisions by Consensus in Councils and Committees: with special Reference to Village and Local Government in India; p1
RALPH W. NICHOLAS: Factions: a Comparative Analysis; p21
PETER C. LLOYD: The Political Structure of African Kingdoms: An Exploratory Model; p63
AIDAN SOUTHALL: A Critique of the Typology of States and Political Systems; p113
Michael Banton, editor
3. Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion
CLIFFORD GEERTZ: Religion as a Cultural System; p1
VICTOR W. TURNER: Colour Classification in Ndembu Ritual; p47
MELFORD E. SPIRO: Religion: Problems of Definition and Explanation; p85
R. E. BRADBURY: Fathers, Elders, and Ghosts; p127
EDWARD H. WINTER: Territorial Groupings and Religion among the Iraqw; p155
Michael Banton, editor
4. The Social Anthropology of Complex Societies
ERIC R. WOLF: Kinship, Friendship, and Patron-Client Relations in Complex Societies; p1
BURTON BENEDICT: Sociological Characteristics of Small Territories and their Implications for Economic Development; p23
J. CLYDE MITCHELL: Theoretical Orientations in African Urban Studies; p37
JOE LOUDON: Religious Order and Mental Disorder: A Study in a South Wales Rural Community; p69
ADRIAN C. MAYER: The Significance of Quasi-Groups in the Study of Complex Societies; p97
RONALD FRANKENBERG: British Community Studies: Problems of Synthesis; p123
Edmund Leach, editor
5. The Structural Study of Myth and Totemism
EDMUND LEACH: Introduction; pvii
CLAUDE LEVI-STRAUSS: The Story of Asdiwal; p1
MARY DOUGLAS: The Meaning of Myth, with special reference to 'La Geste d'Asdiwal; p49
NUR YALMAN: 'The Raw : the Cooked :: Nature : Culture'-Observations on 'Le Cru et le cuit'; p71
K. O. L. BURRIDGE: Levi-Strauss and Myth; p91
E. MICHAEL MENDELSON: The 'Uninvited Guest': Ancilla to Levi-Strauss on Totemism and Primitive Thought; p119
ROBIN FOX: Totem and Taboo Reconsidered; p161
Raymond Firth, editor
6. Themes in Economic Anthropology
RAYMOND FIRTH: Editor's Preface; pix
RAYMOND FIRTH: Themes in Economic Anthropology: A general Comment; p1
LEONARD JOY: One Economist's View of the Relationship Between Economics and Anthropology; p29
RONALD FRANKENBERG: Economic Anthropology: One Anthropologist's View; p47
PERCY S. COHEN: Economic Analysis and Economic Man: Some Comments on a Controversy; p91
MARY DOUGLAS: Primitive Rationing: A Study in Controlled Exchange; p119
FREDERICK BARTH: Economic Spheres in Darfur; p149
LEONARD JOY: An Economic Homologue of Barth's Presentation of Economic Spheres in Darfur; p175
SUTTI ORTIZ: The Structure of Decision-making among Indians of Colombia; p191
SCARLETT EPSTEIN: Productive Efficiency and Customary Systems of Rewards in Rural South India; p229
LORAINE BARIC: Traditional Groups and New Economic Opportunities in Rural Yugoslavia; p253
I Lewis, editor
7. History and Social Anthropology
I. M. LEWIS: Introduction; pix
PETER MORTON-WILLIAMS: The Fulani Penetration into Nupe and Yoruba in the Nineteenth Century; p1
P. C. LLOYD: Conflict Theory and Yoruba Kingdoms; p25
KEITH HOPKINS: Structural Differentiation in Rome (200-31 B.C.): The Genesis of an Historical Bureaucratic Society; p63
EDWIN ARDENER: Documentary and Linguistic Evidence for the Rise of the Trading Polities between Rio del Rey and Cameroons, 1500-1650; p81
MARTIN SOUTHWOLD: The History of a History: History in Buganda; p127
E, R. CREGEEN: The Changing Role of the House of Argyll in the Scottish Highlands; p153
R. E. BRADBURY: Continuities and Discontinuities in Pre-colonial and Colonial Benin Politics (1897-1951) ; p193
IAN WHITAKER: Tribal Structure and National Politics in Albania, 1910-1950; p253
Philip Mayer, editor
8. Socialization: the Approach from Social Anthropology
PHILIP MAYER: Introduction; pxi
AUDREY I. RICHARDS: Socialization and Contemporary British Anthropology; p1
GUSTAV JAHODA: A Psychologist's Perspective; p33
ESTHER GOODY: Kinship Fostering in Gonja: Deprivation or Advantage? ; p51
BARBARA B. LLOYD: Yoruba Mothers' Reports of Child-rearing: Some Theoretical and Methodological Considerations; p75
PHILIP AND IONA MAYER: Socialization by Peers: the Youth Organization of the Red Xhosa; p109
PAUL SPENCER: The Function of Ritual in the Socialization of the Samburu Moran; p127
PHILIP AND IONA MAYER: Socialization by Peers: the Youth Organization of the Red Xhosa; p159
J.S. LA FONTAINE: Two Types of Youth group in Kinshasa (Léopoldville) ; p191
WILLIAM WILDER: Socialisation and Social Structure ina Malay Village; p215
ANTHONY FORGE: Learning to See in New Guinea; p269
J. B LOUDON: Teasing and Socialization on Tristan de Cunha; p293
Evans-Pritchard and Mary Douglas, editors
9. Witchcraft Confessions and Accusations
MARY DOUGLAS: Introduction: Thirty Years after Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic; pxiii
NORMAN COHN: The Myth of Satan and his Human Servants; p3
PETER BROWN: Sorcery, Demons, and the Rise of Christianity from Late Antiquity into the Middle Ages; p17
KEITH THOMAS: The Relevance of Social Anthropology to the Historical Study of English Witchcraft; p47
ALAN MACFARLANE: Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart Essex; p81
ALISON REDMAYNE: Chikanga: An African Diviner with an International Reputation; p103
R. G. WILLIS: Instant Millennium: The Sociology of; p129
EDWIN ARDENER: Witchcraft, Economics, and the Continuity; p141
ROBERT BRAIN: Child-witches; p161
JULIAN PITT-RIVERS: Spiritual Power in Central America: The Naguals of Chiapas; p183
ESTHER GOODY: Legitimate and Illegitimate Aggression in a West African State; p207
PETER RIVIERE: Factions and Exclusions in Two South American Village Systems; p245
ANTHONY FORGE: Prestige, Influence, and Sorcery: A New Guinea Example; p257
GODFREY LIENHARDT: The Situation of Death: An Aspect of Anuak Philosophy; p279
I. M. LEWIS: A Structural Approach to Witchcraft and Spirit-possession; p293
BRIAN SPOONER: The Evil Eye in the Middle East; p311
G. I. JONES: A Boundary to Accusations; p321
MALCOLM RUEL: Were-animals and the Introverted Witch; p333
T. O. BEIDELMAN: Towards More Open Theoretical Interpretations; p351
Edwin Ardener, editor
10. Social Anthropology and Language
EDWIN ARDENER: Introductory Essay: Social Anthropology and Language; pvii
HILARY HENSON: Early British Anthropologists and Language; p3
R. H. ROBINS: Malinowski, Firth, and the 'Context of Situation; p '33
DELL HYMES: Sociolinguistics and the Ethnography of Speaking; p47
J. B. PRIDE: Customs and Cases of Verbal Behaviour; p95
W. H. WHITELEY: A Note on Multilingualism; p121
ELIZABETH TONKIN: Some Coastal Pidgins of West Africa; p129
N. DENISON: Some Observations on Language Variety and Plurilingualism; p157
D. CRYSTAL: Prosodic and Paralinguistic Correlates of Social Categories; p185
EDWIN ARDENER: Social Anthropology and the Historicity of Historic Linguistics; p209
G. B. MILNER: The Quartered Shield: Outline of a Semantic Taxonomy; p243
CAROLINE HUMPHREY: Some Ideas of Saussure applied to Buryat Magical Drawings; p271